Below you will find the answers to FAQs relating to participation in the Start-Up AwardsXXI. Look for the answer to your question and if you can’t find it, don’t hesitate to contact us; we’ll be more than happy to help.
Young innovative companies with their registered office in Spain or Portugal which meet the participation requirements and started their business activity after 1 January 2021 may apply for the Start-Up Awards XXI.
Simply submitting your entry gives you the chance to win these awards:
You can win them all! The selection processes and juries of the different awards granted in a specific edition are totally independent. Therefore, the same company could win both the award in its territory and one or more of the 18th Anniversary Awards.
A company cannot win the same award twice, but it can apply for the other awards. Thus, for example, a company that was the winner at the national level in a previous edition can apply again and and compete for one of the 18th Anniversary Awards, but it would be excluded from the regional awards it has already won, and vice versa.
In the Regional Category, all the companies which have applied in that territory compete in the award for the company with high impact in its territory. There are 19 territories involved in the competition: the 17 Autonomous Communities of Spain and 2 areas of Portugal (North/Centre and Lisbon/South and the Islands).
In the 18th Anniversary Awards category, companies compete against all other companies in the same category they registered for, regardless of their region of origin. During the application process, companies must select a maximum of 2 (two) 18th Anniversary Awards for which they want to compete with their application.
No, only profit-seeking legally incorporated companies can apply.
No, it is necessary to have an incorporated company when presenting the candidacy. Exceptionally, candidates whose constitution date is set in January 2025 may be admitted, provided they have a minimum viable product already on the market.
Applications open on Wednesday, October 23, 2024, at 9:00 a.m., and close on Thursday, December 5, 2024, at 3:00 p.m. (all times are in GMT+1). The organisation reserves the right to extend the end date, which will be announced through this website.
You have to fill in the form which you can access through the Awards website,
Yes, you may modify the details until the end date to present a candidacy or until you close your candidacy by submitting it.
We need the required documents to verify that your application meets the participation requirements and they are therefore essential. Not presenting these documents may lead to your candidacy being discarded.
The first stage reviews the eligibility of the candidacies. The candidacies that do not meet the legal bases or which have not presented the required documentation are ruled out from the process.
Later, all the candidacies are scored. All the evaluators have evaluation tables that specify the criteria to be assessed and the scores to be assigned based on said criteria. The candidacies are reviewed by several evaluators. Once the candidacies have been evaluated, rankings are created by category of challenges and these are sent to the different selection bodies.
Each award has an independent selection process. This means that there will be 50 technical committees and juries to select the more than 30 regional winners and the winners and finalists of the 18th Anniversary Awards. This phase requires the candidates to present and defend their application in person before the committee or jury either in person or virtual.
The formality, independence and transparency of the selection process is one of the elements that define these Awards, therefore we take special care to ensure these aspects. Some of the mechanisms that we have established are:
The following criteria will be taken into account when evaluating candidates:
For the Regional Awards, in addition to the other criteria, the company’s ties and impact on the region will be considered. For the 18th Anniversary Awards, the relevance of the proposal to the categories of these awards, the project’s development stage, and the potential impact will also be evaluated.
The different Technical Committees and the juries are formed by members of the innovation ecosystem: investors (venture capital funds and business angels), successful entrepreneurs, prestigious businessmen, previous award winners, representatives from universities and business schools, organising and collaborating entities in the different territories, and representatives of the granting entities.
Between the months of February and May 2025, summits and regional territorial delivery events are held. The final phase ceremony, where the 18th Anniversary Awards will be presented, will take place on June 3, 2025. All dates will be published on the website of the Start-Up AwardsXXI.
The cash prizes are paid out by bank transfer to a current account held by the winning company opened in CaixaBank (Spain) or Banco BPI (Portugal). We inform you that these prizes paid by Caixa EmprendeXXI are considered income from economic activities (not derived from participation in games, contests or raffles) subject to corporation tax.
The organisation covers the travel costs to Barcelona for one representative of each finalist company of the phase Start-Up AwardsXXI Challenges Award called by the sector committees and juries. The costs for the other trips associated with the territorial awards are to be covered by the participants.
No, there is no incompatibility with other awards.
The Awards are backed by CaixaBank and organised by DayOne, the service for tech companies and investors. The company that formally grants the awards is Caixa EmprendedorXXI.
In Spain, the Awards are cogranted with the Empresa Nacional de Innovación (ENISA). In Portugal, the Awards are cogranted with the Banco BPI and the Agência Nacional da Inovaçao through the BFK awards. More than 130 entities from Spain and Portugal also collaborate in the organisation.
For any query or clarification you can contact us by email at or by telephone at 93 409 74 79.
Some points in the questionnaire are of utmost importance as far as assessment is concerned and approaching the question correctly can make all the difference at the scoring stage. We’ve picked out the most important ones for you: